Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

General History (Full Time)

Nr. Supervising department Topic Supervisor
1. Department of General History Formalized communication in the Middle Ages. Gift, symbol and ritual as a tool of interaction of social groups doc. Dušan Zupka, PhD.
2. Department of Archeology and Cultural Anthropology "Southwestern Slovakia in the Late Bronze Age in the Context of Transformational Processes in the Eastern Mediterranean" Mgr. Martin Bača, PhD.
3. Institute of History SAS Formalized communication in the Middle Ages. Gift, symbol and ritual as a tool of interaction of social groups * doc. Dušan Zupka, PhD.
4. Institute of History SAS Marginalisation of a Selected Group in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period * Blanka Szeghyová, PhD.
5. Institute of History SAS

Marginal people in the cities in 19th and 20th centuries between social integration and exclusion *

Gabriela Dudeková Kováčová, PhD.
6. Institute of History SAS Continuities and discontinuities in the development of the business policy of an industrial enterprise between the period of reconstruction and economic * Adam Hudek, PhD.
7. Institute of History SAS

The formation of political identities in Slovakia after 1989 in the Central European context *

Adam Hudek, PhD.
8. Institute of History SAS Continuities and discontinuities of social practices in 1980s–1990s * Marína Zavacká, M.A., PhD.
9. Institute of History SAS International contexts of gray zones in Slovakia in the second half of the 20th century * Marína Zavacká, M.A., PhD.
10. Institute of Archaeology SAS Central Hillfort of the Púchov culture on Havránok hill in Liptovská Sielnica – Liptovská Mara. Development, function, and heritage presentation PhDr. Karol Pieta, DrSc.
11. Institute of Archaeology SAS Exchange and trade as a socio-economic phenomenon if the Protohistorical and Early Medieval period in the western part of the Carpathian Basin. Coins and non-monetary exchange media PhDr. Karol Pieta, DrSc.
12. Institute of Archaeology SAS Women in the Eastern Hallstatt culture Mgr. Anita Kozubová, PhD.
13. Institute of Archaeology SAS From ore to tool. Iron mining and production in selected areas of the Western Carpathians from the early historic period to the early modern period PhDr. Peter Bednár, CSc.
14. Institute of Archaeology SAS Rotation querns and their significance in the Middle Ages doc. PhDr. Matej Ruttkay, CSc.
15. Institute of Archaeology SAS Late Medieval and Modern Pottery from Upper Požitavia on the Example of Recent Archaeological Researches from the Castles of Gýmeš and Hrušov  Mgr. Mário Bielich, PhD.
16. Institute of Oriental Studies SAS The theory of the Islamic state in the work of Necip Fazil Kisakürek PhDr. Gabriel Pirický, M. A., PhD.
17. Institute of Oriental Studies SAS Ancient Egypt in the Slovak culture in the period 1843–1945 Mgr. Dušan Magdolen, PhD.
18. Institute of Oriental Studies SAS Military defence of the north-eastern Delta and northern Sinai in the 19th and 20th dynasties of ancient Egypt Mgr. Jozef Hudec, PhD.
19. Institute of Oriental Studies SAS Travelers from Upper Hungary to Africa and Asia in the long 19th century Mgr. Jozef Hudec, PhD.
20. Institute of Oriental Studies SAS Egypt in the Biblical tradition Mgr. Jozef Hudec, PhD.
21. Institute of Oriental Studies SAS Arabic Periodical Press in Palestine in Late Ottoman Era Mgr. Emanuel Beška, PhD.
* The nature of the topic allows the acceptance of more than one applicant




