Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava


Nr. Topic Annotations
1. The theory of the Islamic state in the work of Necip Fazil Kisakürek

The Islamic nationalism (Tur. mukkadesatçılık) of Necip Fazıl Kısakürek (1905-1983) is today often seen in Turkish society as an ideological weapon and doctrine against Atatürk’s Kemalism, which significantly shaped the thinking and actions of contemporary pro-Islamic circles in the country. The iconic status of this prominent thinker, poet, novelist, theoretician and radical Islamist representative became the focus of scholarly research in the international context practically only after 2000. Based on a detailed analysis of his work, we anticipate a critical evaluation of Kısakürek’s theory of the Islamic state and his political views after 1950.

2. Ancient Egypt in the Slovak culture in the period 1843–1945

The aim of this project is to collect, analyze and evaluate original written, pictorial and 3D source material from the period 1843–1945 by Slovak authors with an interest in ancient Egypt who lived in the mentioned period on the territory of today’s Slovakia in the former Hungary, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Czechoslovakia. This source material in any way associated with ancient Egypt or Egyptology may relate to history, art, architecture, correspondence, travel, collections, education, etc., and was publicly published/accessible/exhibited (magazines, newspapers, letters, literature, postcards, exhibition) or comes from private archives/collections/possessions. The existence of such material and its evaluation aim to document the diversity and extent of individual a societal interest in this ancient civilization in the Slovak culture of the mentioned historical period.

3. Military defence of the north-eastern Delta and northern Sinai in the 19th and 20th dynasties of ancient Egypt

Polish-Slovak research at the Egyptian site of Tell el-Retaba has discovered several components of the 19th and 20th Dynasties' defensive capabilities since 2007. The research should focus on placing them in the context of defence capabilities explored in the north-eastern Nile Delta and northern Sinai and verify hypotheses related to the strategic importance of drinking water sources and their control in desert, semi-desert, and saline sea and lake water environments. It should also verify the methods of controlling drinking water sources by military garrisons, compare the construction of fortresses, their ramparts and moats, as well as defensive and logistical usage, based on archaeological, written and iconographic sources.

4. Travelers from Upper Hungary to Africa and Asia in the long 19th century

Hungarian kingdom was part of the European trend of exploring other continents, although in its case this trend did not lead to the creation of colonies. Research should focus on the historical and social context of the journeys, as well as on examining the methods, reasons and goals of travel and the social composition of Upper Hungarian travellers to Africa and Asia in the long 19th century based on contemporary literature, media, travelogues, archival and registry research. Comparison with travellers from neighbouring territories and countries would be also be welcome. Research should also focus on the potential contribution of these trips to historical collections and art in the territory of today's Slovakia.

5. Egypt in the Biblical tradition Looking for biblical traces was strongly present already in the very beginnings of research of ancient Egypt. Just as Egypt was interesting for Western scholars and travellers as a civilization per se, so were they also interested in looking for biblical traces in Egypt itself. After more than 200 years of research, knowledge of the relationship between Egypt and the biblical tradition has expanded considerably. There is a certain consensus on some issues, such as the location of biblical places, while others, such as the degree of historicity of events described in the biblical texts, are still under discussion. This theme is to summarize and evaluate the current state of research in this field and to bring own research on this topic.
6. Arabic Periodical Press in Palestine in Late Ottoman Era First private printed Arabic newspapers and journals were established in Palestine during the Second Constitutional Era. In the years following the Young Turk Revolution of 1908 a large number of periodicals were founded. Arabic newspapers and journals are an incredibly rich, but underresearched source of information on this key period. The goal of the dissertation thesis will be the examination of selected topics discussed in the periodical press in late Ottoman Palestine.
7. "Archaeological open-air museums and their role in museum culture"

The aim of this dissertation is to examine the archaeological open air museums (AOAM) as a unique and specific type of museum institution - the museum in nature, with a focus on its mission, functioning and social role. This thesis focuses on the practical aspects of collection management and presentation (display of relics and reconstructions of authentic archaeological sites), the operation of AOAM and their interaction with the public. The key point of the archaeological part will be the importance and use of experimental archaeology, reconstruction and experiment in the presentation and popularization of archaeological heritage, known as living history. This dissertation project will focus on selected AOAM and archaeoparks in the Czech and Slovak environment, such as Modrá u Velehradu, Všestary, Havránok, Bojná and others. It will also focus on the comparison of their specifics with foreign countries in a broader Central European context, which will allow to name and define trends in the modern presentation of archaeology.