Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava


Nr. Topic Annotations
1. Psychoneuroendocrine changes in stress-reducing psychological interventions

Psychological stress-reducing interventions have the potential to promote both mental and somatic health. The research in this dissertation therefore focuses on examining their effect on changes in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, stress hormones, and immune markers, through a clinical trial and meta-analysis. 

2. Loneliness, social isolation and exclusion in everyday life. Analysis of data from the DISCONNECT study

The subject of the dissertation will be secondary analyses from the DISCONNECT project, which focuses on comprehensive research of loneliness and related topics in relation to mental health and mental disorders using various research and methodological approaches. The dissertation will concentrate on analyses of everyday experiences of loneliness, social isolation, and exclusion in relation to other observed psychological and psychopathological phenomena using intensive longitudinal research with the help of experience sampling methodology (ESM).