Filozofická fakultaUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave


1 / 2024


celý text: Otázky žurnalistiky 67 (1) 2024


Dmitry Strovsky

„The topic of hatred“ in modern media: the case of Palestine


Anna Sámelová

Inštitút prázdneho kresla a globálna „kultúra opičenia sa“


Mária Stanková

Reflexia kauzy Hany Ponickej v exilových periodikách


Lucia Virostková

Médiá verejnej služby na Slovensku: Boj o zvládanie výziev a zachovanie integrity



Matúš Demko

Ako sa z celebrít stávajú outsideri


Terézia Rončáková

Digitálna odolnosť a infl uencer marketing v novej učebnici pre generáciu Z


Terézia Rončáková

Učebnica o alternatívnych a komunitných médiách: komplexné dielo s presahom mimo odbornej sféry


Miroslav Frindt

Kniha o knihe nielen pre knihomoľov



Marcela Belianská

Mediálna kronika (január – jún 2024)



1 – 2 / 2023


celý text: Otázky žurnalistiky 66 (1 – 2), 2023

Studies and Scientific Papers

Adam Solga
The right to expression as a new legal remedy in a legal system of the Slovak republic

Wolfgang Duchkowitsch
Austrian media history in the 20th century: An overview in ten sections

Danuša Serafínová
Questions of journalism in retrospect of the years 2018 – 2022

Mária Miková
Seventy-five years of the magazine Slovenka


Terézia Rončáková
Virtuous life in media space. Incentives for journalists, teachers, parents, consumers

Mária Stanková
Zines as an image of changes in (mass media) communication

Terézia Rončáková
From the kitchen of reportage: it can be done both nutritious and digestible


Milan Banyár
The academic and advertising community mourns – Pavel Horňák, the nestor and legend of Czechoslovak advertising, has left us

Media Chronicle

Marcela Belianská
Media Chronicle January – June 2023

3 – 4 / 2023


celý text: Otázky žurnalistiky 66 (3 – 4), 2023


Ľubomír Bajaník
From the „one-third“ television to the public broadcaster of the new state 30 years since the dissolution of Czechoslovakia and Czechoslovak Television

Michaela Vetešková
A Tight Press Vest, or The Dilemmas of Female Journalists During Crisis News Broadcasts

Peter Ivanič
Whose perspective? Media discourse on Israel and Palestine

Adam Solga
Mass-media on the periphery or in the center of interest?

Danuša Serafínová
On the front pages of Preßburger Zeitung in year 1823


Mária Stanková
About the discourse briefly and clearly

Eva Niklesová
Changes in the media image of Marian Kočner in Slovak society


Eva Chudinová
Zora Dagmar Kločková – 100


Ján Višňovský
Artificial intelligence was discussed both scientifically and practically in Trnava


Media Chronicle

Marcela Belianská
Media Chronicle (July – December 2023)

archív 2005 – 2001