Actual research projects

Identification of psychological and somatic markers in relation to vulnerability to stress and analysis of the effectiveness of psychological interventions

Duration of the project: 2018 - 2022

The grant scheme: APVV

Chef reasearcher: doc. PhDr. Igor Brezina, CSc.

Scientific co-workers: Mgr. Petra Soláriková, PhD., Mgr. Daniela Turoňová, PhD., Mgr. Jakub Rajčáni, PhD., Mgr. Silvia Blahunková, PhDr. Katarína Ludrovská PhD., Biomedical Research Center - Institute of Experimental

Project abstract: The project is aimed to establish the most comprehensive model of stress vulnerability based on a broad analysis of all relevant psychological along with somatic stress indicators and to identify maladaptive stress reactivity that is manifested by alostatic overload in the form of hyper-reactivity or hypo-reactivity to stress stimuli. On of the goal is to reveal optimal assessment of the cumulative risk of alostatic overload by evaluating biomarkers (cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, metabolic, inflammatory) and psychological parameters (emotional, personal, cognitive). Research is oriented toward subjects with increased stress vulnerability, both in the healthy population and in risk somatic states, with perspective of deep understanding of individual processes in the context of a changed stress response. The focus of the project is given on complexity and integration of knowledge to establish a stress-vulnerability model. The original benefit of the project is the creation of a precise group stress task, examination of sleep quality through ECG monitoring, or the development of new methods of hormone analysis in hair and saliva for detection a chronic stress. Besides the interdisciplinary approach to this issue, the main advantage of the project is a long-term experience in stress research under experimental as well as natural conditions of normal proband life. The aim is to analyze the effectiveness of different types of psychological interventions focused at reducing stress and better coping with stress (HRV biofeedback, autogenous training) and to assess the possibilities of their application in terms of understanding individual relationships within the stress vulnerability model.

Reconceptualizing workplace commitment: individual and organizational associations

The grant scheme: VEGA

Duration of the project: 2018 – 2020

Chef reasearcher: Schraggeová Milica

Scientific co-workers: Rošková Eva, Jakubek Martin, Lišková Jana

Project abstract: The project is focused on the analysis and reflection of a reconstructed one-dimensional ("target-free") commitment in an organizational context (Klein et al., 2014). The aim of the project is to identify individual and organizational factors which contribute to the formation of object-relevant cognitive and affective states and subsequently to the formation of commitment to selected types of targets (eg. job, organization, career). The methodological objective is to verify the construct validity of the instrument for measuring the commitment to specific work and organizational objects (KUT, Klein et al., 2014) by testing associations between the one-dimensional concept of commitment and other, target-congruent psychological states and attitudes. The implications of the project consist of a conceptual clarification of the multi-dimensional construct of the commitment, and verification of the instrument to measure the commitment to specific workplace targets in a dynamically changing environment.

Methodology of work for school psychologists working in schools and school facilities

Duration of the project:: 2018-2020

The grant scheme: KEGA

Chef reasearcher: PhDr. Gabriela Herényiová, PhD.

Scientific co-workers:

Mgr. Lucia Sabová, PhD., Mgr. Diana Demkaninová, PhD., Mgr. Radoslav Blaho, PhD.

Project abstract: School psychologists are one of the important elements of the educational process, working directly in schools and school facilities, and their core activities include professional child support, providing information and counseling services to the legal representatives of pupils, teachers and school leadership. The main activities performed by the school psychologist in schools stem from § 20 Act No. 317/2009 Coll. on the Teachers and Professional Educational Staff. However, the job content and specific competencies are dependent on the type of school (maternal, primary, secondary, sports gymnasium, etc.) where the school psychologist is in employment. The professional literature discusses the competencies of school psychologists but does not offer school psychologist the procedures and plans to work in specific situations. The aim of this project is to develop a methodology for the work of a school psychologist, which would help to unify the sequence of counseling, diagnostic, preventive and crisis situations in the school.


Cognitive, personal and psychophysiological factors of the stress in the context of the relationship between anxiety and allergies and their optimalisation

Duration of the project: 2013 - 2017

The grant scheme: APVV

Chef reasearcher: doc. PhDr. Igor Brezina, CSc.

Scientific co-workers: Mgr. Daniela Moskaľová, PhD., Mgr. Petra Soláriková, PhD., doc. PhDr. Tatiana Taročková, CSc., Mgr. Silvia Harvanová, Mgr. Martin Marko, Mgr. Jakub Rajčáni

Project abstract: The project solves actual extraordinary interdisciplinary issues. We plan to do an analyses and confront psychological and psychophysiological factors of stress reaction in allergic and anxious individuals in realtion to their similarities in the change of stress reactivity and particular parallels in cognitive processes, personality dispositions and amotional states. An important goal of the research is to describe biomarkers, which will reflect the intensity of psychoneuroendocrinological responses of allergic and highly anxious individuals induced stress situations. The project is designed in collaboration with the the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology SAV and the Department of Electronics and Photonics FEI STU. More information about the project is published on the website:

Preliminary results of the project have been made public in many forms of mass media (television, radio, newspapers).


Discrimination in socio-psychological and societal context

Duration of the project: 2015 - 2016

The grant scheme: VEGA

Chef reasearcher: prof. PhDr. Jana Plichtová, PhD.

Scientific co-workers: Mgr. Vlasta Paholíková, Mgr. Alexandra Ostertágová

Project abstract: The project searches for interconnection of the knowledge of psychological and sociological social psychology, sociolinguistics and social neuroscience with three aims:

  1. to make clear mutual relationships of the processes of social categorization, negative stereotypization, discrimination, and racism,
  2. to use this integrated knowledge to create an original anti-racist educational method,
  3. to verify the efficiency of the educational model.


Attachment models and psychological contract in context of organizational behaviour and attitudes

Duration of the project: 2014 - 2016

The grant scheme: VEGA

Chef reasearcher: doc. PhDr. Milica Schraggeová, PhD.

Scientific co-workers: doc. PhDr. Eva Rošková, PhD., Mgr. Filip Ambróz

Project abstract: Success and competitiveness of every organization depends on employees, mainly on their achievement, motivation, engagement, satisfaction, loyalty, organizational commitment etc., this means on Organizational citizenship behaviour and attitudes. Relationships between employee and organization, in our time of globalisations effects and permanent changes, has many aspects and dynamics. The current researches focused on organizational behaviour suggest the importance of attachment models in adulthood and of psychological contract, as antecedents of Organizational citizenship behaviour. The aim of this project is to confirm the model explaining the relationship between two predictors - psychological contract, attachment style and three effects: Organizational citizenship behaviour, Intention to stay in organization and attitudes to organization expressed in three commitment types (affective, continuance, normative).


Structural models of personality and attitudinal predictors of risky driving behavior

Duration of the project: 2014 - 2016

The grant scheme: VEGA

Chef reasearcher: doc. PhDr. Eva Rošková, PhD.

Scientific co-workers: PhDr. Martin Jakubek, PhD.

Project abstract: Relationship between risky driving behavior and traffic accidents is evident, background and causality of risky behavior is still unclear. The main objective of the project is to identify individual, attitudinal (attitudes, social norms, perceived behavioural control), personality (Big Five & Dark Triad) predictors of risky behavior (risky driving style) based on structural equation modeling. The present study attempts to integrate two paradigms in psychological research - the personality trait approach and the social - psychological approach. A quantitative model of the research based on self-reported questionnaire surveys will be applied and carried out among non-professional drivers in Slovakia. We expect that the obtained results will contribute to the better understanding of the psychological mechanisms of individual, attitudinal factors that evoke risky behaviors, recommendations for design of traffic safety campaigns will be discussed, as well.


Objectification of ADHD hyperkinetic disorder diagnostic in bio-psycho-social context

Duration of the project: 2013 - 2015

The grant scheme: VEGA

Chef reasearcher: PhDr. Gabriela Herényiová, CSc.

Scientific co-workers: PhDr. Zita Rijáková, PhD., Mgr. Lucia Sabová, PhD., Mgr. Daniela Moskaľová, PhD., Mgr. Diana Demkaninová

Project abstract: The project consists of three phases:

  • The first stage is to create reports of ADHD diagnosis in the pediatric population in Slovakia, depending on age, gender and demographic characteristics. We focus on mapping and diagnostic methods used ineducational, counseling and clinical practice. A subsequent analysis we will offer space to create a breakthrough limits, connecting with the diagnostic activity, which then connects with the child's life.
  • In the second stage, we map the psychophysiological correlates of cognitive performance and examine the child's social environment, which play an important role in identifying corrective action and intervention.
  • In the third stage,we will compare the findings of the primary diagnosis with research findings. And in the end, we will focus on the compliance rate, setting limits and draft recommendations for practice.


Monitoring and analysis of psycho-physiological correlates as indicators of emotional states and personality variables

Duration of the project: 2012 - 2015

The grant scheme: VEGA

Chef reasearcher: doc. PhDr. Igor Brezina, CSc.

Scientific co-workers: doc. Mgr. Anton Heretik, PhD., Mgr. Daniela Moskaľová, PhD., Mgr. Petra Soláriková, PhD., PhDr. Ľubica Konrádová, PhD., PhDr. Barbora Meárošová, CSc., Mgr. Silvia Harvanová, Mgr. Martin Marko, Mgr. Jakub Rajčáni, Mgr. Michal Hajdúk

Project abstract: The project consists of three parts:

  • PART I. focuses on the standardization of new instrumental techniques Emotiv EPOC and assess its compatibility with standard methods of research in emotion, personality variables and clinical psychology. In comparing the same areas of contact and optical equipment (thermal video).
  • PART II focuses on the application of the results of the first part and their response and suggest the best hardware and software research for psycho-physiological functions in the field of clinical psychology. The aim will be to extend the possibilities of diagnostics of personality characteristics and selected clinical conditions through psycho-physiological indicators. Intentions is also examining ways of using the system in the development of therapeutic approaches for treatment of selected clinical disorders.
  • PART III represents a continuation of research in the areas of psycho-physiological functions, cognitive processes, emotionality (Vega 10-025-00) and its extension.