Faculty of ArtsComenius University Bratislava

Sociology (Full Time)

Nr. Supervising department Topic Supervisor
1. Department of Sociology Do we have more egalitarian partnerships? Factors differentiating the gender division of labor ** doc. Mgr. Roman Džambazovič, PhD.
2. Department of Sociology Social cohesion in Slovak society: factors and dynamics of its current development and its measurement ** doc. Mgr. Roman Džambazovič, PhD.
3. Department of Sociology Conservation of nature versus defence of culture: Large carnivores in the cultural landscape of Central Europe as a social problem ** doc. PhDr. Dušan Janák, Ph.D.
4. Department of Sociology Social agency of animals ** doc. PhDr. Dušan Janák, Ph.D.
5. Department of Sociology Low-wage employment: labour market, institutional context and growth model in Slovakia ** doc. PhDr. Daniel Gerbery, Ph.D.
6. Department of Sociology Permanent or temporary state? A mobility of persons in non-standard forms of work and its determinants ** doc. PhDr. Daniel Gerbery, Ph.D.
7. Institute for Sociology SAS Ukrainian migrants and paid domestic work ** Mgr. Zuzana Sekeráková Búriková, PhD.
8. Institute for Sociology SAS Digital Technologies and Care ** Mgr. Zuzana Sekeráková Búriková, PhD.
9. Institute for Sociology SAS Institutional trust and environmental attitudes in Slovakia ** Mgr. Jozef Zagrapan, PhD.
10. Institute for Sociology SAS Brain-Drain in Slovakia ** Dr. Dominik Želinský, PhD.
11. Institute for Sociology SAS Charismatic authority in Slovak politics ** Dr. Dominik Želinský, PhD.
12. Institute for Sociology SAS Platform Work Regulation  Ing. Petr Mezihorák, PhD.
13. Institute for Sociology SAS Labour and Migration   Ing. Petr Mezihorák, PhD.
14. Institute for Sociology SAS Topic Rule of law, justice and legality in public debates and political contestations ** Mgr. Jana Lindbloom, PhD.



**only one applicant can be accepted for this dissertation topic

