
Nr. Topic Annotations
1. Didactic potential of an inclusive-pragmatic approach to language ** The offered topic has a scientific reflexive and testing rather than an empirical character. Its goal is the development of a didactically and methodologically applicable model of Slovak language teaching in primary and secondary schools, which reflects the ideas of inclusive education (i.e. solidarity and acceptance education for all) and the idea of the potential inclusive character of the language, in the sense of continuous development of mother tongue communication competence in the widest possible spectrum of communication situations. 
2. From symmetry to asymmetry in the system of inflexible parts of speech – pragmalinguistic interpretation of aflectional manifestations in Slovak language ** The aim of the work is to summarize the individual manifestations of aflection in the system of flexible, but especially inflexible parts of speech and to capture in an explanatory way possible shifts in the perception and interpretation of these phenomena in relation to the synchronous dynamics and communication culture of contemporary Slovak. The work presupposes independent empirical research based on the identification and classification of inflectional morphosyntactic components in various types of texts (especially on the axis of dialogic versus monologic texts) with specific regard to their pragmatic-communicative function.
3. Continuous development of interpretation competence among elementary school students with regard to the inclusive dimension of communication - proposals for methodological procedures and their verification in practice ** The work is focused on a detailed explanation of the stage-like cognitive-evaluation mechanism that is activated on the part of the interpreting subject in spontaneous and deliberately staged communication situations. The empirical part of the work then assumes the creation of own methodical materials (worksheets, presentations, transformational exercises, etc.), with the help of which it is possible to continuously develop the interpretation competence of pupils with regard to the critical perception of the current socio-cultural reality.
4. Inclusive stylistics of the digital era: balance of needs, update of methodology, innovation of content ** The issue is connected to Slovak stylistics based on a strong reflexive-logical tradition in Slovak linguistics, which created models of ways of acontextual language expression. I tis necessary to build on the domestic and transnational discourse of the 21st century and integrate pragmatization with tradition when updating the subject, its description and interpretations. The goal is to answer the question of what stylistic behavior is conformity with inclusive communication
5. Language changes in the development of Slovak from the perspective of historical and variational sociolinguistics. ** The thesis will focus on selected phenomena from the historical development of Slovak and their areal differentiation, the methodological basis is the concept of linguistic change as a gradual and complex process. The aim is to contribute to the knowledge of the course of language change by examining linguistic variation and its variability over time and in communication. The research includes archival research of historical sources and/or field research in the selected region.
6. Foreign languages in the cultural history of the Slovak language community ** The thesis focuses on the research of status and functioning of selected foreign languages used in the territory of today's Slovakia, and how their status and functionality changed in the course of the development of the linguistic situation. The aim is to extend the existing knowledge from the perspective of the theory of language policy and by research of language attitudes. The research will include archival research of historical sources, official documents and contemporary press.
7. Clarity in political rhetoric ** The works fits into frame of inclusive stylistics and focuses on stylistic and communicative strategies of achieving clarity in political rhetoric. The problem is the fact, that, on the one hand, comprehensibility is an inclusive stylistic quality of the text, on the other hand, in political rhetoric, i tis pragmatized by political goals and tends towards simplification, thus becoming an anti-inclusive tool. Part of the wort is the mapping of the requirements for the clarity of speech in works of classical rhetoric.
8. Metaphors of language and their cognitive and social ambivalence ** The work is based on the observation that some heuristic metaphors also have a „collective power“, that is, that expressing in the sense of a given metaphor includes users not only cognitively, but also socially, i.e. by exploiting the given metaphor, researchers also demonstrate that they „see similarly“ to others (across countries, languages and centuries: cf. the metaphor of play/game, the metaphor of tissue. On the other hand, several heuristic metaphors enable interpretations of language that are in an ambivalent, polemical relationship.    
9. Etymological analysis of a selected lexico-semantic group in Slovak ** The topic of the thesis is the etymological analysis of a specific lexical-semantic group in Slovak (with regard to the contemporary standard language, Older Slovak, and Slovak dialects). The objective is a complex etymological interpretation of the relevant Slovak lexicon based on the standard methods and procedures which are commonly used in etymological research.
10. Lexis of Slovak anoikonyms ** The thesis will focus on heuristic research of minor place-names from the selected area and their lexical, semantic, motivational and linguistic analysis and structural-typological classification with regard to the areas of distribution of individual lexemes and word-forms. The obtained results are possible to by utilised in the lexicographic processing of the anoikonymic lexis from the entire territory of Slovakia.
11. The research on oikonymy in relation to the settlement history ** The topic is interdisciplinary, therefore historical knowledge and orientation in Latin, Hungarian and German are welcome. Oikonymic records (including possibly extinct names) from a particular region from the earliest times to the present will be analysed and classified according to the method of small types in order to reveal the relationships between name structures, their temporal layers and areal distribution, and to reconstruct the settlement process. The origin and motivation of the names will also be explained.
12. The development of urbanonymy and its linguistic analysis ** The aim is to describe the dynamics and evolution of street names of medium and large-sized cities. The basis will be lexico-semantic and word-formation classifications. The development of urbanonymy will be analysed in stages defined by important milestones in the development of the city and the whole society. Changes in the use of motivational categories and word-formation processes will be illustrated by diagrams. The dissertation will include a list of contemporary urbanonyms with their explanation, the time of their origin and previous names of the locality in question.
13. Selected aspects of word class conversion in Slovak ** The aim of the thesis will be: to map all types of word class conversion in Slovak; to grasp these conversions terminologically; to evaluate the previous lexicographic treatment of word class conversion and to research general mechanisms of conversion. In order to find appropriate criteria for identifying conversions, the thesis will analyze the morphology and word-formation processes in a selected group of these units