
Nr. Topic Annotations
1. Identity and Sociocultural Practices in the Post-2020 Belarusian Emigre Community ** This PhD. thesis will focus on researching the post-2020 Belarusian emigre community in Central Europe and Baltics. Employing the methodological framework of the ‘imagined communities’ theory and performativity theory, the study will analyse everyday practices, rituals, linguistic and communicative behaviours, cultural events, and individual cultural artifacts, including literary texts. The thesis aims to illuminate the processes through which the collective identity (-ies) of the Belarusian emigrant community are shaped and represented.
2. „The Past“ in the Public/Artistic Discourse of Russia after 2014 This PhD. thesis will delve into the representation of „the past” in public or artistic discourse in Russia post-2014. Employing discourse analysis and narrative theory, the research aims to examine how references to the past function within argumentative practices and narrative structures. Through case studies encompassing opinion-forming public performances and cultural artifacts such as books and films, the thesis seeks to trace the diverse ways in which the past is utilized.