
Nr. Topic Annotations
1. Social withdrawal and loneliness across continuum from healthy to pathological (schizophrenia, affective disorders) – psychological and neurobiological mechanisms * Social withdrawal is a severe symptom occurring in both affective and psychotic disorders. Examining psychological mechanisms and their neurobiological correlates is key to understanding the functional outcomes. The main goal of the project is to examine selected psychological mechanisms (social cognition, social motivation, etc.). The project is based on the principle of Research Domain Criteria and on the dimensional model of psychological disorders. The project is divided into two parts. In the first part, a long-term follow-up of large sample is planned to analyze the structure of relationships and changes over time. The second part of the project focuses on the identification of neurobiological correlates, using methods of experimental psychopathology, collection of behavioral data (eye movements, facial expressions) and physiological data (skin conductance, pulse).
Project Affiliation
Grant: VEGA 1/0493/22, Applied grants VAIA – Excelentná veda R3, Horizont Matching grant, Spracovanie dát APVV – 20 – 0185
2. Utilizing second – person neuroscience approach to understanding psychopathology: bio – behavioral synchrony * Second-person neuroscience is novel approach that examines social interactions from the perspective of both social actors. While one of the possible mechanisms of the emergence of psychopathology is a disturbed degree of synchronization of interaction partners. Desynchronization can take place at the behavioral, physiological, hormonal, or even neuronal level. The goal will be to explore bio-behavioral synchrony with a focus on explaining paranoid ideation and social anhedonia as important transdiagnostic symptoms. The project is based on the RDoC approach.
Project Affiliation
Grant: VEGA 1/0493/22, Applied grants VAIA – Excelentná veda R3, Horizont Matching grant, Spracovanie dát APVV – 20 - 0185
3. From cognitive overIoad to digital detox: psychological implications on well-being and behaviour in knowledge workers * As a result of the increase in digitalization of the professional world, knowledge workers whose work is associated with the creation, and dissemination or users of knowledge, are daily confronted with information and communication technologies (ICT). ICT, on the one hand, allows them greater flexibility and autonomy, on the other hand, they are associated with technological, cognitive overload and its negative consequences on work performance, well-being, physical and mental health. The main aim of the study is the identification of effective individual and organizational digital detox strategies as strategies of conscious disconnection from ICT in order to reduce/eliminate their negative consequences. The secondary goal is the analysis of the effects of digital detox on the behavior (performance) and well-being (stress, burnout, well-being) of knowledge workers. The project goals will be achieved through the so-called "mixed design" (semi-structured interview, questionnaire/cross-sectional research, and experiment/intervention study).        
Afiliation of project
VEGA (2024-2026): Individuálne a organizačné stratégie digitálneho detoxu a ich efekty na prežívanie a správanie zamestnancov.
INTERREG (2024-2026): Burnout prevent: Enhancing skills, developing innovative service solutions and policy recommendations for burnout prevention, in CE smart specialization sectors