General information on the admission procedure for the academic year 2025/2026
The admission procedure begins with the submission of an application for the university studies. It is possible to submit an electronic application form to the faculties of Comenius University, which we recommend (it also has a reduced fee for the admission procedure). Faculty of Arts accepts e-applications submitted exclusively through the Comenius University e-application portal of Comenius University in Bratislava (Faculty of Arts e-application will be activated from mid-December 2024). More information on submitting the electronic application will be published on the faculty's website. In the case of submitting an electronic form, it is not necessary to print the application and send it by post to the faculty. In case of sending a printed application form (we prefer A3 format - double-sided printing on a double sheet, but we also accept the application on A4 sheets), it is necessary to confirm the signed application and send it to the study department of the faculty with the required attachments.
The applicant may apply for any two study programmes. They should be listed on one application form, in the order in which the applicant expresses his/hers preference, which is binding in the admission procedure. Applicants are reminded that in case of the introduction of two study programmes, which presuppose the passing of a specific exam in the faculty premises, there may be a situation where these tests will take place on different days.
Applicants for selected study programmes, who successfully participated in secondary-school subject olympiads and other relevant contests, will be admitted without having to take an entrance exam or part of an entrance exam in accordance with the chart to be found in Additional Conditions for Admission to Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Arts in the academic year 2025/2026, required level of knowledge of Slovak, Olympiads. A proof of successful participation is to be submitted as an attachment to the application form.
Deadline for submission of applications: February 28, 2025
Fee: 30 euros
20 euros (in case of submitting the application also in electronic form via portal of Comenius University in Bratislava)
Adress: Comenius University
Faculty of Arts
Gondova Street Nr. 2
SK-811 02 Bratislava
Bank: Štátna pokladnica
Bank code: 8180
Acount: SK36 8180 0000 0070 0008 3100
Variable symbol: 26
Message for the recipient: Name and surname of the applicant
In case of submitting an electronic application, the payment data will be generated by the e-application system. In this case, we also ask for a specific symbol generated by the system in the payment.
Payment instructions for cross-border transfers:
Name of the bank:
Štátna pokladnica
Radlinského 32
810 05 Bratislava
Bank swift address (BIC): SPSRSKBA
IBAN: SK36 8180 0000 0070 0008 3100
Name and address of a recipient:
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta
Gondova 2
811 02 Bratislava
Applicants will pay the fee for the admission procedure in the form of a bank transfer. If the application is submitted via the electronic application system of Comenius University in Bratislava, the payment instruction will be generated by the system. The confirmation of payment is the bank's confirmation of the transfer (in case of payment by internet banking, it is the confirmation of the payment made, not of the movement). Applicants are requested to consistently indicate the variable and specific symbol generated by the electronic application system. The confirmation of payment does not need to be attached to the application, however, you will need to be able to prove it, if necessary.
The fee can only be refunded to those candidates who cancel their application by 28 February 2025. Changes within study programmes in registered applications for studies are inadmissible after 28 February 2025. If the candidate is unable to take the entrance examinations, the fee will not be refunded.
The basic condition for admission to university studies is a complete secondary education completed by a school-leaving examination. The required document on the acquisition of secondary education is a notarized (officially) certified copy of the school-leaving certificate, which applicants send together with the application (or if graduating in the given year by the deadline set by the faculty, which will be stated in the invitation to the entrance exams, or the announcement on the status of the admission procedure). Notarized (officially) uncertified copies of the school-leaving certificate, as well as non-nostrified certificates of school-leaving certificates from foreign secondary schools will not be accepted.
Open day: 25 January 2025
Conditions of admission
Predetermined numbers of applicants are accepted for study programmes opened at Comenius University, Faculty of Arts based on the performance of an entrance examination.
For opened study programmes, for which a lower or the same number of applicants apply as the number of students admitted to the pre-determined and published number, applicants are admitted without taking the entrance examination. In the middle of March, the faculty will publish a list of study programmes for which, for the reason mentioned above, applicants will be admitted without taking the entrance examination.
The applicant is admitted to one study programme, based on the results of the admission procedure and respecting the preferences of study programmes stated in the application.
The Dean of the Faculty decides on the admission of applicants who have shown the highest level of ability to study in the chosen study programme at the meeting of the admissions committee only according to the final order of applicants, compiled on the basis of the entrance exam results.
The entrance examination is carried out in the form of tests and specific examination. For most study programmes, the faculty requires a general academic prerequisites test within the National Comparative Exams, which is provided by the company, s. r. o. For some study programmes in the field of translation and interpreting, in addition to the GAP test, the applicant is also obliged to take part in a language test, implemented by the company, s. r. o. (English, German and Spanish). For study programmes with two language tests, the GSP test is not required (detailed information on the required examinations and tests for individual study programmes is in Additional Conditions for Admission to Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Arts in the academic year 2025/2026, required level of knowledge of Slovak, Olympiads). For the study programme Central European Studies (SPE implemented in English) the applicant only takes an English language test. For applicants for study programmes in History of Art, Marketing Communication, Musicology and Journalism, the examination of specific prerequisites for the study of the chosen SPE is carried out at the faculty.
Applicants who apply for study programmes which require two tests performed within the National Comparative Examins of the company, s. r. o., this company provides a discount on the fee for the second test through a discount code. This candidate will apply when registering for the National Comparative Exams. If the applicant states two study programmes with different structure of required tests in the application, he/she can use the discount code for each of the mentioned study programmes.
Applicants with special needs (based on the professional confirmation of a doctor or psychologist, or a special pedagogue) may request a modified form or method of conducting an entrance examination, depending on their functional limitations, directly by the company, s. r. o. In case of choosing a study programme in which a specific test is carried out at the faculty, they will request a modified form or method of taking the entrance exam depending on their functional limitations by a written application attached to the application (in case of submitting only electronic application sent in a separate letter) for studies specifying the requirements for the modification of the entrance examination. Before submitting the application, we recommend consulting the choice of study programme and specific requirements with the faculty coordinator for work with students with specific needs:
Doc. PhDr. Milica Schraggeová, CSc.
tel.: +421-2-9013 1111, e-mail:
Examinations of specific prerequisites for study programmes in History of Art, Marketing Communication and Journalism carried out by the faculty will take place within a set proper date (5 April 2025), of which the faculty will inform applicants in writing.
Date of Entrance Examination
Date of the general academic prerequisites test and exams in English, German and Spanish: on dates and places set by the company, s. r. o. The Faculty will accept the test results from December 2022 to March 2025 (incl).
The specific prerequisites exams for study programmes in History of Art, Marketing Communication, Musicology and Journalism (held at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University): 5 April 2025.
Applicants are reminded that for the study programmes History of Art, Marketing Communication and Journalism, it is necessary to pass the general academic prerequisites test through the company, s. r. o.).
Evaluation and Publication of the Results of the Entrance Examinations
The results of the entrance examination of specific academic prerequisites (anonymised) carried out at the faculty are evaluated by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, authorized employees of the relevant departments in accordance with the accepted scoring system in the rules of the admission procedure. The results of the entrance exam (points gained) will be published on the faculty's website on the day of its completion, or no later than the day after its completion. The applicant has the right to inspect the documentation of his/her admission procedure upon request.
The Faculty of Arts of Comenius University can provide dormitory accommodation only to a limited number of applicants, according to the allocated accommodation capacity.
Emloyment of Graduates
Graduates of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University are employed mainly as researchers, teachers and managers, translators and interpreters, journalists, analytical, creative and service workers in various fields of economics, politics, public administration, education, health, culture, science, media, social services, etc.